Rexcel Heavy Engineering’s Core Services
Civil and Structural Construction Services for Commercial and Industrial throughout the country.
Steel Structure Fabrication and Surface Treatment Plant
The industrial steel structure fabrication plant located at Rawang. Steel structure fabrication began at the company’s plant in the late 2000s, and in line with the company’s policy, it has undergone continuous development ever since.
Initially, we performed work for affiliated plants within small companies, repairing machines and equipment with traditional machinery and technology, and making small steel structures. The real breakthrough came in 2003 with the company’s investment in several cutting and milling machines and venture into building steel structural works.
We ventured into precesion fabrication like TNB’s cooling systems, tunnel ribs and Steel Structure for Workshop Building and bridges. Hence the plant at Rawang were upgraded with more machineries and tools.The workforce comprises an average of 20 qualified and certified engineers, technicians, welders, fitters, painters and turners. As of today, the company is well prepared in fabrication and erection of all kinds of steel structure for building, bridges and even on precision fabrication and value engineering in steel structures.
Punching and Drilling
We have a range of machines, which can form holes for connections in structural steelworks. The traditional drilling machine is the radial drill, a manually operated machine, which drills individual holes in structural steelworks and a magnetic drilling machine, which used for on-site drilling activity especially for longer and big-Cutting and Machining members.
Cutting and Machining
Following surface preparation, cutting to size and shape is always the first process to be carried out, and this is done by any of the following methods.
1. Shearing and cropping
2. Flame Cutting or Burning
3. Arc Plasma Cutting
Fitting and Reaming
Before final assembly, the component parts of a member are fitted-up temporarily with bolts and small amount of welds. The fitting-up operation includes attachment of previously omitted splice plates and other fittings and the correction of minor defects found by the inspector. In bolted work, especially when done manually, some holes in the connecting material may not always be in perfect alignment and small amount of reaming may be required to permit insertion of fasteners. In this operation, the holes are drilled, 4 to 6 mm smaller than final size, then after the pieces will be assemble, the holes are reamed by electric or pneumatic reamers to the correct diameter, Fastening Methods
Fastening Methods
The strength of the entire structure depends upon the proper use of fastening methods. There are two methods of fastening will be employed for this project namely bolting and welding. All welding works will be in accordance to BS 5135 standard. The joints are to be welded with 8mm thickness (Filled Weld) whereas the chequered plate joints will be sealed with 2mm sealing weld. The types of welding involve will be Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMA) and Metal Active Gas Welding (MAG).
Surface Treatment
Structural steelworks is protected against corrosion by applying metal or paint coating in our fabrication yard after sand blasting work.
Metal Coatings
The corrosion protection afforded by metallic coating largely depends upon the surface preparation, coating and its thickness will be in accordance to the specification stipulated in the general note of the construction drawing. Commonly used methods of applying metal coating to steel surfaces are metal spraying for the structure and galvanise for the chequered plate.
Paint Coatings
Painting is the principal method of protecting structural steelworks from corrosion. The primer (anti-rust) is applied directly on to the cleaned steel surface. Its purpose is to wet the surface and to provide good adhesion for subsequently applied coats. Primers for steel surfaces are also usually required to provide corrosion inhibition.
The intermediate and final coats are applied to build the total film thickness of the system as specified in the drawing.
Infrastructure Works & Engineering Solutions
These works typically include enabling works, roads, drainage, paving, car parking, retaining walls, landscaping, streets capes and water. Our ability to undertake most of these works using our skilled, in-house trained resources is a distinct advantage in maintaining a high level of consistency of economy, efficiency and effectiveness with corresponding benefits in quality and programme.
Sheet Metal Processing, Machining and Other Works
Cut to size plates (MS & SS) – laser & plasma cutting, Plate Bending & Rolling Service, Beam, and Hollow Section Rolling Services, Anchor Bolts Supply with threads, Plate surface grinding and etc.
Please download our dedicate brochure on this services Click Here
Sheet Metal Processing, Machining and Other Works
We are also offering ad-hoc services that non-project based to our customers at our dedicated new facility at Semenyih.
Just to name a few:
- Cut to the size of plates (MS & SS)
- Laser & Plasma Cutting
- Plate Bending & Rolling
- Plate Surface Grinding
- Beam
- Hollow Section Rolling
- Anchor Bolts Supply with Thread
- Others
Please download our dedicate brochure on this services Click Here
Please contact us for a customized and tailored made services.